To race with Trailblazers eSports Racing, you must be an approved member of our discord.
To join our discord, you firstly need to create a discord account:
THEN, JOIN OUR DISCORD. (To be approved, your username must be your PSN)
Any registrations received from non-approved discord members will be rejected.
The car you choose to drive in your series registration, is the car you must drive in every race for that series. Should you race with a different car in a series race round, you will not accumulate points for that round.
EG: If you register to drive the MERCEDES-AMG GT3 2016 in the GR3 Championship series, you must drive this car in every round.
Please note: Should you wish to change your registered car prior to registration close, simply resubmit your race entry.
Race entries received after the close of registration, will not be accepted.